Friday, September 12, 2008

Access(Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide) is an education initiative of the Alabama Department of Education. It provide opportunities and options for Alabama public high school students to engage in Advanced Placement (AP), elective, and other courses to which they may not otherwise have access. Access also better meets the needs of teachers when it comes motivating their students. Access gives the teacher or educators more ideas to expand their teaching knowledge. Educators can also share their expertise state wide. Access welcomes technology for the educator to better instruct.

Access also offer learning support centers for student. Just to name a few, Madison City Schools, The University of Alabama College of Continuing Studies, and Troy University. Telephone numbers, and email addresses are posted on Access under studies for any one who is interested. Access also offer brochures for students as while as parents, counselors, and teachers. There are Course offering such as different levels of Math from Algebra to calculus. The site has Guides to better equip students, teachers, and counselors. As you can see Access has so much to offer to many in the educator realm from students to teachers etc.

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